H.R. 9809 – 2024 Landgrab Bill – We can’t let this pass

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Image you’re a member of Congress. You have to get a budget extension through both parties, or the federal government shuts down. There’s civil unrest, an election on the horizon, and you’re going on vacation for a month.

To most, it would seem like a weird time to re-write an obscure 1968 law about flood insurance. Not to you, though.

For the first time in US history, a President will be able to install a local government within a state’s territory, as long as it’s not a group approved by the Governor. Your newly placed community will have rule over what happens on that newly seized land.

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Now imagine your home and all your worldly possessions were destroyed by a flood. You contact your insurance company, but you don’t have flood insurance. Why would you, when you live in the mountains? Now, you have a mortgage debt, but no home as collateral. You receive the notice to pay off the loan in 30 days, or the bank will seize the land and any hope of starting over goes down with your credit score.

In walks Uncle Sam. He will give you money, just sign over the deed to the land.

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Who’s paying for the land? The taxpayers. Whose paying to build a new house? Taxpayers. Who will get to live in these free new homes? Only underrepresented citizens (aka illegal immigrants).

Conveniently, there’s a large lithium deposit down the road. It needs miners. It’s a small ask for your house and new community.

That is how you create indentured workers.

TL;DR: This bill allows government to take over land, and Biden to install a local government with 0 oversight. “As determined by the President”

Please, don’t let this bill pass.



h/t Atxglitch

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