Greta Thunberg Really Has Upset the Wrong People

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by Chris Black

This is just the first of many articles that will push her to the fringes and beyond of the ‘green movement’.

But again, here’s the con-inc press =running cover for the TORY regime.

For it was they, not the aforementioned imp, who wrote ‘net-zero’ in to law and who are using the state machine to continually award themselves more powers to regulate, control and manage every aspect of our lives – to ration all resources, based, in part, on our ‘behaviors’, as measured by the same state machine.

See also  Freedom of speech is NOT a privilege, it’s a right. People like this are not protecting democracy, they’re squashing it, they’re authoritarians who are enemies of liberty & freedom.

When you’re literally ‘saving the planet’, anything is allowed!

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