Government in South Africa Wants to Ban Farms That are “Too White” from Exporting to EU, UK

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by Chris Black

The entirety of Western civilization is now based on lunatic attempts to solve non-existent problems, and it’s all going to end very badly.

When South Africa collapses, it’s going to be a lot worse than Zimbabwe.

Because the white farmers in South Africa don’t feed just South Africa, but also all the countries in the region.

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The death toll will literally be in the tens of millions.

Japan Times:

South African farms deemed “too white” will no longer be able to export their produce to the U.K. and the EU, according to postings in the Government Gazette, the Johannesburg-based City Press newspaper reported.

Under the rules, farmers must meet specific Black economic empowerment targets to continuing obtaining export permits.

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These people can’t even keep the lights on.

You’d think by this point the normal blacks in South Africa would be sick of this sh*t.

How much has their quality of life dropped since the revolution?

The drop is massive, and presumably incalculable.