Giorgia Meloni Continues to Undermine the Nation She Swore to Defend

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by Chris Black

The image below is a screenshot from the website of the Council of Ministers ( 

Meloni’s cabinet website.

The Meloni government is going to allow 452,000 new legal immigrants into Italy over the next three years.

And they would like 833,000, but legislation does not (yet) exist to authorize that.

The website is sure to mention that Meloni herself signed the decree and wishes to “promote legal immigration” to Italy.

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The web page also mentions that a further 40,000 seasonal workers will be admitted each year.

These ‘seasonal’ workers never leave and quickly become members of Italy’s 700,000 illegal immigrants (, known as the Clandestini.

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Combine these numbers with the 106,000 illegal arrivals by sea this year (, and a liberal family reunification policy, and it is evident that Meloni is prepared to allow millions of non-White people to settle in Italy under her watch.