“We have to admit that we’re not well prepared to prevent heat deaths in Germany,” former virus pest and enduring political clown Karl Lauterbach declared yesterday. The German Health Minister has announced he will develop a plan to combat summer heat deaths in consultation with various healthcare experts. Envisioned is a system whereby summer temperature spikes trigger protective measures depending on their severity. “For example” – and I swear this is a real line in the linked Tagesschau article and not something I am just making up – “elderly people would be called and warned of the heat and reminded to drink regularly.” As if to further emphasise the poverty of his ideas, Lauterbach says he’ll also consider opening “cold rooms” and “free water dispensers,” as well as funding an app to provide nebulous “information.”
The Corona parallels here are clear, and they go much deeper than the failed 223-Million Euro boondoggle known as the Corona-Warn-App. The truth is that the world lost its mind over a not-very-dangerous virus, and to justify the disproportionate response, our policymakers and the gatekeepers of our public discourse responded not by backing off, but by dialling acceptable standards of risk downwards. They’ve now brought them so low, that even hay fever is sufficient to trigger official mask recommendations.