German Farmers’ Peaceful Protest Sparks Nationwide Revolt, Threatening Food Production Shutdown and Political Overhaul.

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by lol79

The things that are recently happening im Germany are with no doubts historic.

It would sureli take hours and a book to writedown and explain all the connections.

But in one short sentence, the Germans have been fucked over decades, and now they have had enough.

Since the German farmers began protesting last Monday,a wave of solidarity goes througout Germany, and parts of Europe.

It is no more just a farmers protest, they just started a peaceful revolt so far, throughout the German society.

Except the ruling class, MSM, and retarded green and left voters hold on to their goos in the Bundestag.

This could change in a short range of time, the leader of the German farmers threatens to stop food production and food deliveries, and blocking of food distribution centers next week, if the failed government would not take back the robbery of the Germans immediately, step down and new elections going to be held.

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If they do this, supermarkets would be empty in a few days, everyone with a functional brain knows where this would lead to. So the pressure is on.

The Lamestream Media and the politicians in power tried everything to badmouth them, but without success.

Regarding the overall mood of native Europeans in several countries in Europe this could spread very fast. And on top the overall geopolitical situation in the world, the burning fuse of the powderkeg seems now to be critically short.

The paradox in this whole thing in my opinion is, that everything of that, was and is provocated by exactly the same people that are sitting in Davos at the fucking WEF right now. Ordo ab Chao in full swing?
Will their plans pay out or is it going to be a nonsense?

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One thing is clear, there can’t be any fundamental changes without “tabula rasa”, what comes on the new table after, we well see.

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