George Stephanopoulos left out one key question when interviewing Joe Biden.

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ABC’s brutal ultimatum to George Stephanopoulos after his damning verdict on Biden – Recant or off air

George Stephanopoulos was threatened with being taken off air if he didn’t clarify his position on Joe Biden’s ability to serve another four years, it is claimed.

The ABC host gave his blunt assessment of the president’s performance in a brief interview when he was ambushed on Tuesday.

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The former Bill Clinton aide was asked on the street in Manhattan if Biden should step down and responded: ‘I don’t think he can serve four more years’.

Stephanopoulos, 63, appeared to quickly regret his off-the-cuff remark and offered a statement of regret after he was allegedly issued an ultimatum.

‘Earlier today I responded to a question from a passerby. I shouldn’t have,’ he said.

ABC News issued their own statement, saying, ‘George expressed his own point of view and not the position of ABC News.’

What the two statements didn’t reveal was the alleged crisis Stephanopoulos’ nine words kicked off at the highest level of the major network.

get this now,

ABC bosses were reportedly concerned the veteran broadcaster had expressed a private opinion that would fatally undermine his appearance of objectivity. objectivity from the media?


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