The riots in France should be terrifying to Americans and to everyone in the West. Please notice that it alarmingly resembles what’s happening in the United States and other Western nations. It is the result of a hardcore leftist ideology. The Islamists may be the one’s rioting, but it is the left that is encouraging them, mollifying them, and telling them they’re victims and correct in their actions.
Why are they doing this? Because they believe The Great Reset is what is needed. They are firm believers in a global government. The only way they get to this feudal state is to destroy the systems of the various nations. To destroy sovereignty and law and order is to open a gate for tyranny far worse than any the West has ever experienced.
Ask yourself why this is happening throughout the West and examine what the World Economic Forum has predicted and mandated of their disciples.
AN IMPASSIONED PLEA FROM MARINE LE PEN (videos at the end with subtitles)
Marine Le Pen gave an impassioned plea to the nation to quell the “endemic state of disorder, violence, and destruction in the country, whose images and echoes are freezing with brutality in a nation that respects itself.”
“No reason, even dramatic, even emotional, can legitimize an anarchy that wants to settle scores. Attacks on people and goods, attacks on police and firefighters, massacres in town halls, school fires, or store robberies”…
The hardcore, ideological left has been very much part of these riots. They have encouraged and incited this rebellion. Marine Le Pen addresses that issue.
Good news, English subtitles ready. Remember to follow @TranslateMom to get notifications for your translations.
— TranslateMom (@TranslateMom) June 30, 2023
h/t Coastie Patriot