For the first time. I felt we are entering really dark times. Prepare.

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by Limpan

For two hours this morning I went through news from all the alternative media channels I follow.
This is the first time I have to say that we are headed for really dark times.

The left’s agenda with the rest of the world in a leach is time to be taken seriously.
The war against Russia, with permission to use all Western weapons against Russia, is something that could mean that WW3 kicks off any moment in time.

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The Democrats’ hold on the United States and what they want to do with the country is becoming clearer every second. Their agenda is something that the entire world will be affected by nad have been affected by the last 3 years.

Censorship is really starting to affect everything around is. It is gettin absurd. We arer at the first step towards tyranny.
There is really dark intentions from, the corporate elite, central banks and the families of madmen within the deep state, and they are desperate.
Trump is no savior, but he does something that disturbs the elite, everyone can see that.

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These coming months are going to be so horrible that even we in our wildest imagination, can imagine.

I am almost 60 years old and I have never been part of a darker time than now.
War, misinformation and the hatred of the elite against us ordinary honest people.
Prepare for the worst. Scary times ahead.

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