Fire! Biden And Fed Lit A Fire The Is Burning Out Of Control, US Treasury 10Y Yield Climbs Past 5%, Real 10Y Yield At 2.46%, Mortgage Rates At 7.63% (Highest Since 2000)

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by confoundedinterest17

Fire! Yes, Biden and Congress created a fire with it reckless Federal spending leading in 40-year highs inflation, prompting The Fed to counterattack with rapid rate hikes.

We now see the 10-year Treasury yield passing 5%. And the REAL 10-year Treasury yield passing 2.46%.

And Freddie Mac’s 30-year mortgage rate survey is at 7.63%, the highest since 2000.

Washington DC’s rampant spending is going to hurt you for a long, long time. And Biden is now prposing $100 BILLION MORE for Ukraine and Israel. Face it, that’s all Democrats and RINOS know what to do … throw money at problems.

See also  Once the yield curve inversion ends, the market top is around the corner.

Here is how I feel about Washington DC in general.


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