No one likes getting a speeding ticket, but we suspect Finnish businessman Anders Wiklöf is smarting after getting his recent citation. The staggering fine was the equivalent of $129,400 (121,000 euros).
Wiklöf was traveling 51 miles per hour (82 kilometers per hour) in a 31-mph (50-kph) zone. He told the Nya Åland newspaper that the road switched from a 44-mph (70-kph) limit down to 31 mph. He claimed he was slowing down, but not before the police caught him speeding.
If you’re wondering how doing 20 mph over the limit results in a nearly $130,000 ticket, it’s because Finland charges speeders in accordance with the person’s income. Wiklöf is among the country’s wealthiest citizens.
In addition to the fine, the authorities suspended Wiklöf’s driver’s license for ten days.