Finally A Kate Update – You Won’t Be Seeing Her Until After The Summer – At The Earliest

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“The Princess of Wales was described as the ‘driving force’ behind a major report this week that called on businesses to introduce more family-friendly ways of working.

Yet a spokesman has been keen to stress that Catherine’s involvement should not be seen as an indication that she is returning to work.

The princess’s many admirers could be forgiven a little confusion, perhaps, as the signals seem mixed – and will naturally wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes at Kensington Palace.

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It is certainly true that Catherine’s work with the Royal Foundation’s Business Taskforce for Early Childhood, and this latest report, is a sign of her dedication to the subject – ‘a huge priority for the princess’, as her spokesman confirmed.

But I believe we should read no more into it than that.

As we know, the princess, 42, is having what was described as ‘preventative chemotherapy’ for cancer, after previously undergoing major abdominal surgery.

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She has not undertaken any public engagements this year and friends I spoke to in the past few days suggest we might not see Catherine again until the autumn – and only then if she has recovered fully


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