Father and Mother Refuse To Protect Their Children and Home Against Violent Vagabonds – NH

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A family in Concord NH have violent, armed vagabonds camping out on their property. These libtard parents refuse to protect their family and home, even after receiving death threats from these armed trespassers.

(NH is a stand-your-ground state, so there’s no excuse for them not to use deadly force):

Family calls cops 37 times, receives death threats from encampment of violent vagabonds behind dream home: ‘I can’t even use my backyard’

Robin Bach and her husband spent years restoring their 19th-century dream home in Concord to raise their two children, ages 8 and 11 — but have been plagued by the campers living in the woods behind the palatial abode.

They’ve received death threats and have heard gunshots and screams from beyond the tree line. A swingset in their backyard, bought in 2020 during the pandemic, sits untouched by her terrified children, who will only play in the front yard.

“I can’t even use my backyard. My kids can’t go out there,” Bach told the Concord Monitor. “I would like my children to be independent and feel comfortable going outside and playing and they won’t.

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“This is the worst it’s ever been, It’s the worst it’s ever been.”

During one of their first summers in the house, Bach’s husband found a man, who they had previously seen lurking in the woods near some tents, sitting in their backyard. When he asked the man to leave, the interloper threatened to shoot him.

A dumpster fire behind a neighbor’s home two doors down sent wailing firetrucks rushing up her street to put out the blaze, the outlet said.


New Hampshire Law
New Hampshire has a stand your ground law which removes the duty to retreat before using deadly force in any place where a person has a right to be.2
N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 627:4(III)(a); State v. Etienne, 163 N.H. 57 (2011).


This is what the owner’s yard looks like:

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I feel sorry for the kids.

More on NH stand your ground laws:

No ‘Duty To Retreat,’ NH Supreme Court Says
By DAMIEN FISHER, InDepthNH.org (InDepthNH.org) January 22, 2024

CONCORD – Granite Staters are under no legal obligation to retreat before they use deadly force, according to a new state Supreme Court ruling.

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The Court unanimously ruled to overturn Joshua D. Shea’s 2021 conviction for criminal threatening with a deadly weapon, finding that the trial judge erred by instructing the jury to consider whether Shea had the opportunity to retreat before he pulled his gun during a road rage incident.

According to the justices, a 2011 change to New Hampshire’s law on using deadly force in self defense eliminates the requirement to retreat in the face of a threat before taking action.

“After 2011, a person is justified in using deadly force when he reasonably believes that another person is about to use unlawful, deadly force against him, and he is not required to retreat if he is anywhere he has a right to be and was not the initial aggressor,” wrote Associate Justice Anna Barbara Hantz Marconi…


According to the article, she received an estimate of about $50k to put a fence up on her property.

Guns and signs are much cheaper.

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h/t ElleMira

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