False Claim Debunked: Boston Children’s Hospital and Gender-Affirming Hysterectomies

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There has been misinformation circulating about Boston Children’s Hospital offering “gender-affirming hysterectomies” for young girls. Let’s set the record straight:

  1. The Claim:
    • A Facebook post and other social media iterations suggested that Boston Children’s Hospital provides “gender-affirming hysterectomies” for young girls.
    • The claim was based on a video featuring Dr. Frances Grimstad, a gynecologist at the hospital, discussing gender-affirming procedures.
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  1. The Facts:
    • Boston Children’s Hospital is home to the country’s first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program.
    • However, the hospital’s website explicitly states that gender affirmation surgeries are only offered for those 18 years and older, not young children.
    • To qualify for a gender-affirming hysterectomy, patients must:
      • Be 18 or older.
      • Have a letter from a medical doctor confirming “persistent, well-documented, gender dysphoria.”
  1. Clarification:
    • A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, eliminating the possibility of pregnancy and menstrual periods.
    • The hospital’s Gender Multispecialty Service provides care for individuals aged three to 25 years old, but the age for gender-affirming surgeries is not flexible.
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In summary, Boston Children’s Hospital does not perform hysterectomies on minors in connection with transgender care. The claim is false.




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