July was hot — no doubt about it. And media reporting on the heat wave was a raging wildfire of global warming hype.
But was it the worst-ever July scorcher, as the Washington Post, the Associated Press, USA Today, and others reported?
According to a group of fact-checkers who dug through the reports, the weather didn’t live up to the hype.
In fact, the July “Media Climate Fact Check” turned around a Washington Post claim about July being the hottest in 125,000 years, headlining the report, “Worst Media Coverage In 125,000 Years.”
In picking apart specific media stories about the heat, the report provided to Secrets acknowledged the unusual heat wave. But it also cited two anomalies that skewed the data: the impact of El Nino and a two-day spike in Antarctica’s temperature that helped raise the so-called “global temperature.”
What’s more, it noted that since U.S. satellite data on global temperatures have only been collected since 1979, it is impossible to compare temperatures from 100 years ago — or 125,000.
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