Every time something happens to Hunter Biden, President Trump gets new charges added to his record.

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America has never had two simultaneous incidents of a sitting President arresting his political opponent during a election season, while simultaneously being under bribery investigations for foreign interference. This is as close to Civil War that the American government will ever get. The weaponization of government is being used against both sides.

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Court Transcript: Hunter Biden Admits to Earning $664,000 From Communist China, Contradicting Father’s Lies

Hunter Biden admitted in federal court that a Chinese Communist Party-backed company gave him $664,000, contradicting his father’s claims that his son “has not made money” in China, according to the official court transcript.

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Hunter Biden received $664,000 from the Chinese energy company CEFC, the transcript, obtained by Politico, from Wednesday’s hearing shows. Additionally, he admitted to earning more than $2.6 million for business and consulting from a company he formed with Yi Jianming, the CEO of the Chinese energy company.


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