Even if Trump had never been born, people like this would still be looking for ways to alienate the ones they love.

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The Left Is Demanding That People Disconnect From Their Suppressive Person (SP) Family Members Again, So You Know This Must Be the Holiday Season.

It’s a standard cult move to demand that people separate from their families. Or from anyone else who might question cult doctrine.

The headline refers specifically to Scientology’s terminology for disowning family members and “Suppressive Persons,” meaning people who try to impede you from growing in the “church.”

That is, a suppressive person is anyone who tells you you’re in a cult. The cult demands you separate from — “disconnect” from, in Scientology lingo — anyone who points out that the cult you’re in is acting a lot like a cult.

Which brings us to this lovely letter from a New York Times reader, written to the Times’ “expert” on ethics.

The basic question: My mother refuses to say who she voted for. My wife and her sister demand I disown my own mother, because the fact that she even leaves open the possibility that I voted for Trump means that she’s an SP. Should I disconnect from her?

His own mother.

His own mother.

UPDATE: 10 Things Libs Can Still Be Thankful For.


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h/t Ed Driscoll