Embarrassing wokeness at Univ of Pittsburgh.

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The University of Pittsburgh(UPitt) is demanding that conservative students pay over $18,000 in security and damage fees caused by riots surrounding an event featuring Daily Wire host Michael Knowles, despite school officials allegedly encouraging the protests.

On April 18, the College Republican chapter and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) hosted conservative commentator Michael Knowles for a debate with BASED Politics co-founder Brad Polumbo on the issue of transgenderism, while over 250 protesters set off smoke bombs, fireworks and burned an effigy of Knowles. Several university officials expressed displeasure that the event was taking place and encouraged the protesters resulting in the university demanding thousands in damages and security costs from the chapter, according to a demand letter from Alliance Defending Freedom. (RELATED: Student Explains Meltdown Over Michael Knowles On College Campus)
