Britain’s latest risk register anticipates the apocalypse in detail.
Terrorist attacks on transport score 3. The delicately euphemistic “Nuclear miscalculation” beats that with a stronger “impact” score of 4. By contrast, the “Accidental…release of a hazardous pathogen” and “Assassination of a high-profile public figure” feel barely worth bothering with: each scores a paltry 2. Highest-scoring of all is “Pandemic”, with a splendidly robust 5. Admittedly “Civil Nuclear Accident” scores 5 too. But “Pandemic” also threatens “up to 840,000 deaths”. So it wins.
Britain’s risk register lists the many, varied, and sometimes splattery ways in which citizens might be wiped out—then assigns them scores based on “likelihood” and “impact”
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) September 17, 2023
h/t Little Lost