Dutch government announces plan to move embassy to Jerusalem

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JERUSALEM – In a surprise move early Thursday, an advance draft of a coalition agreement between four right-wing Dutch political factions announced their plan to move the Dutch embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – at “an appropriate time.” If and when this occurs, the Netherlands would be the most significant country to move its embassy to Jerusalem since the United States did so under former President Donald Trump in 2018.

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Geert Wilders is the leader of the pro-Israel, anti-immigration Party for Freedom, or PVV, which won 37 out of 150 seats in the Dutch lower house in that nation’s Nov. 22 election. Wilders is often compared to Hungary’s Viktor Orban because of similar stances on a range of issues, including Islam and opposition to the European Union – preferring to elevate national policies over supranational ones that usurp domestic authority.

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