Eric Feigl-Ding: “You should really mask up in airports if possible. And, N95 masks are best, especially the duck the best ones are the duck build types. But, N95 masks. And if you don’t have an N95 masks, at least go with the one of the N95 ear loop ones.”
“The surgical mask, not so much. I mean, they might prevent The surgical mask, not as much. Look. It’s better than nothing, but the issue is surgical mask is not a really tight fitting mask.”
“Surgical mask, you would have to double up the mask to have a good, good protection, but I think that’s a little bit subpar. You know? We’re expecting people to double up, especially with the gaps in the sides of the mask.”
“That’s why the N95 is better than their surgical, and the N95, especially with the the things that have the nose bridge seals are much, much better. They’re just so much better in terms of filtration because the and the mask wearing is only as good as any leaks.”
“But they are really, really effective, and they’re doubly effective if more people around you wear them. But in this day and age, you know, obviously, a lot of people most people don’t wear masks. So that’s why it’s all the more important that if you do wear a mask, it’s as tight as you can.”
“And especially also in the bathrooms. Often, other people, you know, have their guard off in the bathrooms. If anything, I I say, in addition to airports, whenever you travel or whenever you go anywhere, go in the restaurant or anything, the best place to mask is actually in the bathroom because bathrooms have poor ventilation. They have bathroom deco aerosols.”
“These hand drying blowers that you have actually spread a lot of germs in the air, and that’s actually been well documented Yeah. And actually help aerosol acid from a virus and bacteria particles. So bathrooms, definitely try to wear a mask. Even if you don’t wear it anywhere else, wear a mask in the bathroom. Honestly, just take it with you.”
I’m sick right now, not covid though.
h/t A Deplorable Neanderthal