Disney extends CEO Bob Iger’s contract through 2026, two years longer than planned

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Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/12/disney-extends-ceo-bob-igers-contract-through-2026-two-years-longer-than-planned.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard

As a non-shareholder, I just can’t help but cringe at Disney’s current situation. Everyone lauded Bob Iger until it became obvious all the guy knew was overpaying for existing IP. That style of “growth” blew up in his face with the recent Fox acquisition, and not having built up a strong successor. Flash forward to this year where Iger is now back at the helm with seemingly no plan because they can’t go out and buy IP anymore with shareholder’s money.

Of all the beaten up large cap stocks, this feels like an absolute value trap. Will be interesting to see how they can achieve organic EPS growth from here.

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h/t Idontknow99699