The election's largest outside spender on social media isn't a PAC, it's Courier Newsroom, the constellation of liberal fake news sites funded by Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss and other left-wing megadonors.
— Michael Duncan (@MichaelDuncan) October 21, 2024
Courier Newsroom spent $2,586,953 in the last 30 days alone. More than any other outside group or SuperPAC.
The “interviews” they advertise are just thinly-veiled political ads. But they don't have to report these to the FEC as independent expenditures.
— Michael Duncan (@MichaelDuncan) October 21, 2024
Politics is downstream of culture. And to shape culture, you have to invest in content that people actually want to consume. Not just 30 second ads.
The left understands this. It’s time for the right to wake up.
— Michael Duncan (@MichaelDuncan) October 21, 2024