“Government of Balochistan has confirmed 8 cases of Congo Virus among doctors and paramedics”
Government of Balochistan has confirmed 8 cases of Congo Virus among doctors and paramedics at…
Read More: https://t.co/RFFxfSN5gG pic.twitter.com/k00AMbUhxz
— EnvisionPakistan (@EnvisionPak) November 3, 2023
📌First detection of the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus in the South of France https://t.co/oBzFqMsP2R
— Outbreak Updates (@outbreakupdates) October 26, 2023
There have been a few reports of infection after drinking unpasteurised milk or after consumption of raw meat from freshly slaughtered livestock.
A deadly virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), has been identified for the first time in France. CCHF, characterized by bleeding from the eyes, has been found in ticks in the Pyrenees Orientales of France.#France #CrimeanCongo #VIRAS #hemorrhagic #feverse pic.twitter.com/m2cbSUQkgm
— Bnz English (@BnzEnglish) October 27, 2023
Bleeding eyes.
h/t Agent 99