In 2023 the pakistani government leased roosevelt hotel for $220mn for 3 years to provide shelter for illegal migrants
undercover man walks in and says he is seeking assylum refugee status.
clerk: do you have immigration documents
uc: no i told them i lost everything from TX to Ny
\clerk : ID?
uc: no i dont have anything !!
then he was talkign to a supervisor and she said yes register him
UC: he filled out a little sheet and gave me a wrist band and said DO you want to stay in Ny or do you want us to fly you to another state or city.
clerk: if you have family in another city we can buy you a flight or you can seek shelter here (now we know where fema money is and it aint NC)
UC in english to okeefe: says they told him the government would pay for a later flight if he changes his mind
Okeefe: so in a post 9/11 america a with no id can receive a taxpayer funded plane ticket and a temporary id ( NC aint gettin shit and this is why)
Randals island is migrant shelter
okeefe goes there and a guard asks what the fuck are you doing trespassing here…
Nypd are fans or ours but they too arent doing anything about this
Cop , theres 4000 people in there and they come here and live off the fat
h/t Coastie Patriot