Chicago residents demand 6k tax break others would have to pay after Mayor gives free stuff to migrants

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Chicagoans slam Mayor Johnson for ‘replacing’ them with migrants and demand ‘reparations’ carve-out on $6,000-a-year property taxes that everyone else would still have to pay

you have to admit there is a certainy irony to all of this

everyone should wanna do the best they can on their own , no help from anybody!!!!!

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Chicago activists are bashing Mayor Brandon Johnson for trying to replace blacks with migrants, and demanding an exemption from the $6,000-per-year property taxes that other groups would still have to pay. oh the irony

Howard Ray, a Chicago reparations activist, this week revived his Reconstruction Era Reparation Act Now campaign for carve-outs from property taxes for black households, saying Chicago’s migrant surge was hurting African Americans.

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Other black Chicagoans have taken to social media to slam Mayor Johnson over $9,000 payouts to migrants to cover their rent and help furnish their apartments, saying it is pricing them out of longstanding black neighborhoods


h/t Coastie Patriot