Chase Amazon Credit Line Limit Decrease $12000 ➡️ $500

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These bastards are tightning up

Just had my Chase Amazon Credit Card Limit Reduced from

$12,000 ➡️ $500

Had for 5 years now. Started @ $1000➡️$5000➡️$12000

Scarry bastards

More Info

CC Age: 5 Yrs History: No Late Payments Utilization: 2-6K mo statement balances

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Overall Credit: 640 Total Credit Limit: $150k Total Credit Used: ~$50k Credit Cards: Ranging from $3k-30k

O/A More Info: Total Credit Age: 2013; 10 yrs

See also  U.S. consumer credit card debt hits $1.07 trillion, growth slows but debt still rises steadily.

MyFico CreditRange: 600-750 throughout life

NO: Late pymnts/medical/wage garnish/foreclose/ etc


Credit Line Balances: ~50k, 4 mo ago 0% apr CCs, was $75K @ initial/start

Payments on these: 5-7k/mo to decrease on 0%apr

h/t operator_1234

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