Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector, Oil/petro is still king

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5.3 trillion is total commodity report and 1.5 trn is oil

Charted: $5 Trillion in Global Commodity Exports, by Sector
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This chart categorizes over $5 trillion in global commodity exports by sector and the value of material exported.

Data was averaged between 2019–2021 to represent an annual estimate. Source figures can be found at The State of Commodity Dependence 2023 published by UN Trade & Development.

Commodity Exports with the Highest Value
Oil and its products account for 30% of global commodity exports on average, valued at $1.5 trillion annually.

Commodity Export Sector Average Annual Value
🛢️ Petroleum Products Energy $1.5T
🌾 Crop Products & Forestry Agriculture $1.2T
🔩 Base Metals & Other Minerals Minerals $758B
💎 Precious Stones & Metals Minerals $647B
⚡ Natural Gas, Coal, Electricity Energy $454B
🐄 Animal Products Agriculture $446B
📦 Other Agriculture $319B
📊 Total All $5.3T
See also  Oil has dropped <$70bbl on expectations of global recession.

Figures rounded.

When including natural gas, electricity, and coal exports, the energy sector contributes 40% to the value of global commodity export per year ($2 trillion). Agricultural exports ($1.9 trillion) rank second and are higher in value than mineral exports ($1.4 trillion).

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