Case-Shiller National Home Price Index Slows To -0.46% YoY As Fed Withdraws Covid Stimulus SLOWLY (Mortgage Rates UP 151% Under Bidenomics, Taylor Rule Suggests Fed Rate Of 10.42%)

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by confoundedinterest17

The Case-Shiller home price numbers are out for May. The national home price index is down -0.46% YoY as The Fed slows M2 Money growth into negative growth territory. No doubt Biden (and Karine Jean-Pierre) will take credit for slowing home price growth, although The Federal Reserve slowing monetary stimulus is mostly responsible.

The Fed is still slow walking shrinking its enormous balance sheet. Although The Fed is cranking up their target rate.

See also  Market flipped from "rush to buy before rates go up" to "wait before buying until prices go down some more". Lower rates? Nice, but who wants to buy a falling knife?

The Taylor Rule suggests a 10.42 target rate to cool inflation. They are only half way there!!!

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