By 2030 You Will Not Eat Meat and Will Only Be Allowed to Buy 3 Clothing Items a Year, Report Says

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A report published in 2019 and re-emphasized in 2023 recommends that by 2030 we will not be permitted to eat meat or dairy products, we will be limited to three items of new clothing per year and one airplane flight every three years. It will start in countries that “consume the most.”

Published in 2019, ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World’ report sets out targets for cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions. What this report aims to do is quantify and then suggest ways for city “leaders” to reduce consumption-based emissions. In other words, reduce what you and I consume be it food, clothes or travel, etc.

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The place to start, a press release stated, is with those who consume the most, and “consumption-based emissions must be cut by at least 50% by 2030.”

The report outlines six sectors where the world’s cities can take “rapid action to address consumption-based emissions”: food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation, and electronics.

The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World was co-created and co-delivered by C40, Arup, and the University of Leeds with funding from Arup, University of Leeds, and Citi Foundation. It claims to be an analysis and not a plan but the tone of the report, from the outset, reads like a plan. The foreword stated:

“The report demonstrates that mayors have an even bigger role and opportunity to help avert climate emergency than previously thought … While the analysis addresses big global questions, its purpose is to inspire practical action … average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two thirds or more by 2030.” – Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40

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“It is now clear that action to reduce consumption will be necessary as part of the global effort to mitigate climate change … The actions set out in the report are challenging and they will be confronting for many, but we think they are necessary … City Mayors can set a vision and convene actors to bring about the changes we describe … The work reported here forces a focus on what a sustainable urban future might look like and helps us to consider what policies, regulations, incentives and behavioural changes will be necessary to transition to a zero-carbon world.” – Gregory Hodkinson, Former Chairman of Arup

h/t Dan

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