Biden’s DHS Let Illegal Alien on ‘Terror Watch List’ Board Domestic Flight After Freeing Him into U.S., 2 stories/articles

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President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) allowed an illegal alien on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) “Terrorist Watch List” to board a domestic flight after releasing him into the United States, a federal probe reveals.

A report issued by DHS Inspector General (IG) Joseph Cuffari details how DHS, on April 19, 2022, released an illegal alien into the surrounding community near Blythe, California, after he first arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona, on April 17, 2022 as a result of multiple data sharing and communication failures internally at the agency.

The case, detailed by the DHS IG, refers to 36-year-old illegal alien Isnardo Garcia Amado of Colombia, sources close to Breitbart News confirmed, though his identity in the official report is redacted.

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According to the DHS IG, while in federal custody and before release into the U.S. interior, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) determined that Garcia Amado “was an inconclusive Terrorist Watch List match.”

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According to a report released by the DHS’s Office of Inspector General, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released an illegal immigrant on the terrorist watchlist last year, and due to a lack of coordination, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) took more than two weeks to arrest the individual.

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The report, which was completed last week, found that after apprehending the illegal immigrant in Arizona in April 2022, the CBP released them “without providing information requested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) that would have confirmed the migrant was a positive match with the Terrorist Screening Data Set (Terrorist Watchlist).”

However, he noted that under the Biden administration, the job of Border Patrol agents “is not to secure the border, your job is to process and release illegal aliens as fast as possible.”


h/t Coastie Patriot