Bidenomics In One Chart! Hourly Pay UP 12% Under Biden, But Inflation Is UP 16% (REAL Wage Growth Is -4%)

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by confoundedinterest17

The themesong of Bidenomics is Randy Newman’s “Mr. President,” Have pity on the working man instead of paying off green energy BIG donors.

The massive green enegy spending spree by Biden and Congress (disguised as Inflation Reduction Act) is the keystone of Bidenomics. Or loadstone.

Since Biden became President, hourly pay has risen 12%! Unfortunately, Bidenomics spending spree (along with endless Fed monetary stimulus) has caused inflation to rise 16%. That is a net -4% decline in REAL earnings.

10-Year Treasury Yield is now 4.28%, the highest level since October 2007. From a total return perspective, the 10-Year Treasury Bond is now down 1% in 2023, on pace for its third consecutive negative year. With data going back to 1928, that’s never happened before. BUT we’ve never had Joe Biden as President before 2021.

See also  GOP shares Inflation by administration TRUMP VS BIDEN

And then we have the Conference Board’s Leading Economic Idicators, sucking wind.

Welcome to Bidenomics!


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