I wanted to play Aaron Copland’s Fanfare For The Common Man, but thought that The Federal Reserve theme song (laughing song from “Death in Venice”) was more appropriate given their insane money printing since 2008 then 2020 with Covid. Yes, The Fed is laughing at us.
Bidenomics, massive spending on green energy mandates while curbing fossil fuel consumption, has been a true wonder for the top 1% of net worth (let’s call them The Elites). And Bidenomics, like Obamanomics, relied on super generous Federal Reserve money printing.
The result? Total Net Worth held by the top 1% has grown rapidly since the Covid outbreak and Fed monetary expansion (plus Congress going wild spending). The bottom 50%? They improved in terms of net worth

So, The Elites (top 1%) want The Fed to keep on printing money, since their net worth soars.

Meanwhile, US bank credit is crashing as The Fed slows M2 Money growth.

Not only is credit growth grinding to a halt, but unrealized losses on bank investment securities continues to worsen.

If you didn’t see this, then check out House testimony of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth. This has been happening since the 1950s (allegedly), so why NOW is there sudden interest in aliens? Deflection away from the horrible scandal of Biden taking money from foreign actors? Likely answer? Biden and Mayorkas will send Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to negotiate with alien invaders giving them anmesty, free school, free food, free healthcare and directions on how to register to vote. And giving aliens preferential trade status. All for “10% for The Big Guy!”