Biden Approved Secret Nuclear War Strategy Focused On Simultaneous Conflicts

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US officials, including Pranay Vaddi, an arms control official on the National Security Council, have made public comments about the changes to the strategy.

Vaddi said in June that the new strategy emphasizes “the need to deter Russia, the [People’s Republic of China] and North Korea simultaneously.”

The strategy also focuses on China for the first time, as the Pentagon has claimed China could increase its nuclear stockpile to 1,500 by 2035. Current estimates put China’s arsenal at about 500.

Despite the risk of a US-China war quickly turning nuclear, US military officials are openly planning for a direct clash with Beijing and claim that the US could “win.”

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The nuclear strategy’s focus on China aligns with the Pentagon’s 2022 National Defense Strategy, which names Beijing as the top threat facing the US, with Russia coming in second.

Big classified upgrade: Biden approved secret US nuclear strategy — NYT

US President Joe Biden has approved a highly classified nuclear strategy aimed at deterring Russia, China, and the DPRK, the New York Times reported, citing unnamed officials at the Pentagon and the National Security Council.

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The document was adopted in March, marking the first time the US nuclear doctrine has been focused on Beijing’s rapidly developing nuclear capabilities, the newspaper said.


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