Beverly Hills Becoming Ghost Town as Stores Close Down Because of Black Crime Wave

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by Chris Black

It’s somewhat comforting that the rich can’t even have nice things anymore.

They made these decisions for all of us, and it’s good they have to deal with at least some of the consequences.

Of course, they don’t have to deal with the main consequences, as their homes are still safe, which is more than a lot of people can say.

They also still have private places they can go to drink where the blacks are not shooting up the parking lot like they are in most places.

New York Post:

Beverly Hills is becoming a ghost town, as high-end retail stores exit the once-luxurious Los Angeles city amid a spate of high-end smash and grab gang robbberies.

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Videos posted on Tik ToK by self-proclaimed “Nostalgic Angelino” cody90210 show off more than a dozen Beverly Hills retailers and restaurants now completely shuttered and not replaced by new businesses, leaving their empty storefronts as a shell of their former glory.

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