Former President Trump appears to be making stunning inroads with young voters as he stakes out youth-friendly positions that defy GOP orthodoxy and contradict past statements.
Why it matters: The prospect of Trump coming within striking distance of winning young voters — which shows up in poll after poll — would have seemed unthinkable at the outset of the cycle.
State of play: Public polling suggests a significant shift toward Trump could be coming in the 2024 election among the country’s youngest voters.
- The latest New York Times/Siena polling of likely voters has President Biden with just a 2-point lead over Trump among those between 18-29. A recent Quinnipiac survey has Trump ahead by a point among registered voters between 18-34.
- By contrast, CNN exit polling showed that Biden won the 18-29-year-old vote by 24 percentage points in 2020, and that Hillary Clinton won it by 19 points in 2016.