Approval Lows, ‘Crappy’ Jobs, and a Fading Fanbase… Biden Faces Tough Times in Recent Surveys

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In the ever-shifting world of U.S. politics, there’s a lot of talk about President Biden’s performance lately. According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center, only 33% of Americans give a thumbs up to what he’s doing. It’s not just any dip in approval—it’s a record low for him and any president in the last 15 years.

CNN commentator and former Obama official Van Jones jumped into the conversation too. He didn’t hold back, calling the jobs created under Biden’s watch “crappy,” especially when it comes to how they’re affecting the Black community. Despite the government saying things are getting better on the job front, Jones argues there’s a big gap between the stats and how people are actually feeling.

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Jones isn’t alone in his concerns. Recent polls show that 57% of folks aren’t happy with how Biden’s handling the economy, and 56% disapprove of his attempts to tackle inflation. Even more telling, support for Biden among the Black community has taken a nosedive, dropping 25% from 2021 to 2023.

These numbers highlight the real struggles people are facing, and it’s making folks question the impact of Biden’s policies on their everyday lives.



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