Another big whopper from career hack politician and Joe Biden slapped back fast during the presidential debate.

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Border Patrol Union denies Biden presidential endorsement
YouTube · New York Post
10 hours ago

OOPS! U.S. Border Patrol Union NUKES Biden’s Claim of Having Their Support … in Real Time
By Grateful Calvin | June 27, 2024

( – …[O]ne of our favorite moments came relatively early on in the debate during a discussion of the crisis at the United States southern border. During the exchange, Biden put out a claim that seemed pretty outlandish to us when we heard it: that the U.S. Border Patrol Union supported him and endorsed him for president.

We wanted to go and fact-check that one, but fortunately, we didn’t have to. The U.S. Border Patrol Union did it for us in spectacular fashion.

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Here is the union’s tweet, in no uncertain terms:

BOOM. They sent this tweet only MINUTES after Biden lied about having their endorsement.

And we love that they added ‘never will’ to their statement.


Mainstream media source confirms:

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Biden claims Border Patrol endorsed him: Is that true?

( – …Trying to gain more ground on the issue, Biden claimed Thursday night that Border Patrol endorsed him and his “position” on immigration.

The Border Patrol did not endorse Biden, though a union for its agents endorsed a bipartisan Senate proposal that the White House negotiated with Republicans.

The National Border Patrol Union reiterated their stance in a short statement posted to X, formerly Twitter: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”


h/t WeAreNotTheFirst

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