by Anonymous Coward
A large majority of Americans now are part of the Brainwashed group. They are incapable of critical thinking when it comes to politics and things that affect society negatively. They are incapable of standing up for themselves, speaking out or thinking critically or independently. They are dependent on the Media and Government to tell them what to believe. They are easily controlled by the Media, Big Business and the Government.
A 60+ year government psyop to make Americans deeply anxious, disconnected, unthinking and insecure combined with massive brainwashing in communist ideas by Operation Mockingbird, the Public Education system, and social media has led to this highly brainwashed (sheep) state. This is why you can tell someone a known, indisputable fact and they will respond that it’s a lie.
The pandemic was the first of many events to come where this brainwashing was evident. For example, many Vaxxed people seem incapable of changing their mind in the face of clear evidence that they were wrong in their belief about the Vax and the pandemic. Make no mistake, this is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue or Liberal vs. Conservative issue. Brainwashing is present in all political groups but the Democrats and Liberal minded people seem to be more serious afflicted by the brainwashing.
As we move forward into the Great Reset, this will be the greatest challenge to those who seek and fight for freedom. It takes a number of steps to break the brainwashing and dumping the whole truth on a brainwashed person rarely works. The Brainwashed will be much less likely to join in the struggle against oppression. As someone once said, the sheep will drive themselves to the FEMA camps to be executed.
We may be at a point where we need to just lead by example and take actions to try and preserve our liberty and forget about trying to wake others up. They are deeply brainwashed and unlikely to change much.
We the Un-Brainwashed will have to oppose all the tyrannical Great Reset things that they try to do to us – alone or in small groups. The War is on our shoulders much as the American Revolution was fought by less than 10 % of the American population of that time.
Perhaps there will be a Great Awakening, but this seems unlikely for the vast majority of those who are Brainwashed.