America Done: A Majority Now Opposes Free Speech

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The Communist teacher’s Unions have won.

-53% of Americans believe the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it protects

-69% of those surveyed believe the country is on the wrong track regarding free speech

-65% of respondents have some level of trust in the government to fairly decide on what speech is considered threatening or indecent

See also  Mark Zuckerberg revamps Facebook and Instagram with a focus on free speech, no third-party fact-checkers. Liberals rage.

– only 32% said they were “not at all” comfortable with the government limiting the free speech of pro-Hamas protesters.

-half of Democrats and only one-fifth of Republicans think America is on the right track when it comes to free speech in general.

See also  End of Schengen? Hungary OPPOSES open borders, while Romania and Bulgaria fully join EU's Schengen Zone.

– number of people who self-censor “fairly” or “very” often also decreased to 23% from 27%.


h/t Gypo O’Leary