America Behind Toxic Chemicals Changing People’s Genes

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by Chris Black

No one is interested in fixing the problem.

It’s only after it’s way too late that they’re even talking about the issue.

And this is The Guardian.

You won’t see this in The New York Times or The Washington Post.

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The Guardian:

For decades, it was the secret behind the magic show of homemaking across the US. Applied to a pan, it could keep a fried egg from sticking to the surface. Soaked into a carpet, it could shrug off spills of red wine. Sprayed onto shoes and coats, it could keep the kids dry on a rainy day.

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But the most clandestine maneuver of perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, was much less endearing: seeping into the blood and organs of hundreds of millions of people who used products containing the chemical.


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