Why would you need a fridge to connect to the internet?
Madness that most people just never understand where this is all going.
Energy companies, backed by police, will have “reasonable force” power of entry to invade people’s homes to install SMART METERS!!
Energy companies, backed by police, will have “reasonable force” power of entry to invade people’s homes to install smart meters. Those who refuse to comply with ‘net zero’ restrictions could be locked up for a year.
Twitter: @PrisonPlanet
Full video: https://t.co/PAhWye3Zon pic.twitter.com/lsPLb6GY0Z
— PJW Shorts (@pjwshorts) September 7, 2023
2012: PG&E Meter Reader Testifies to the SMART METER COVERUP, "They CAUSE FIRES!" 🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/kOrtj8cDrx
— Agent131711 (@Agent131711) August 28, 2023