AI-Powered Surveillance Cameras Coming Soon to a Town Near You

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Police departments will be using AI to squeeze every last cent out of the communities they “serve”.

The system, called “Heads Up,” doesn’t just check speed or running traffic lights like in other locales.

Instead, they look for violations, like failure to wear a seat belt or texting while driving.

“The Heads Up cameras take pictures of every vehicle that passes by them, capturing images of their license plates, as well as their front seats. AI analyzes the images and determines how likely it is that a violation occurred, assigning each one a ‘confidence level,’” NBC News reported.

“The cameras have been widely tested in the U.K., where nearly half of the country’s police forces have tried them, and in Australia, where they’ve sparked debates about privacy and drawn media attention. ”

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Those cameras use the AI technology to send tickets once they’re reviewed by human sources. In the United States, where Acusensus has cameras in Georgia and North Carolina, the systems work a little different.

“The Heads Up Real Time system in the United States sends images to nearby police officers, allowing them to stop drivers before violations occur,” NBC News reported.

“The other Heads Up product used internationally sends the pictures to law enforcement officials as part of an evidence package, and they can mail out tickets to offending drivers. [the company’s vice president of government solutions] said an automated ticketing program, such as Heads Up, would require state legislation to authorize its use. ”

However, don’t think for a second that this hasn’t led to more ticketing.

“The program has seen 6 times more seatbelt violations and 9 times more mobile phone violations per month in the first two months of the program in 2023 compared to the previous years before the program commenced,” Acusensus said of the system’s use in North Carolina in a media release in October.

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And this is in spite of the fact that the program is only aimed at commercial vehicles at present.

You can, of course, imagine the usual defenses for deploying this AI technology — namely, if you’re not doing anything, why should you be concerned if Big Brother is watching via artificial intelligence?

h/t BFD