After Returning From Ukraine, US Lawmaker Springs ‘Imminent Threat’ Warning That Dems Admit Is Nothing New

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Second, within an hour of the report, three Members of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee have told Politico that the National Security Threat caused by a New Russian Capability is “Disturbing” but that it is a Longer-Term Concern “Not a Today thing” and that, “It is a Serious Issue but not an Immediate Crisis.”

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So, the question is – was this:

a) a distraction from Biden’s broken brain, or

2) a last desperate attempt to get more funding for anything-but-the-US-border, or

iii) a path to pitching Putin as the uber-bad-guy again after his interview with Tucker Carlson.

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Either way – it seems like a nothing-burger (almost in their own leaked words).


h/t Emeraldlight