ABC News hard at work bridging the divide… by lighting both ends of it.

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HEY, LET’S WATCH ABC NEWS WHIP ITS AUDIENCE INTO A FRENZY: Voters view one another across partisan divide with increasing animosity.

—Headline, ABC News, November 1st.

And ABC News is really working hard at bridging the divide!

As former ABC Newsman Mark Halperin predicted in October:

[I]f Trump wins, it could lead to a profound shift within the Democratic Party, calling it “the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

“I think tens of millions of people will question their connection to the nation, their connection to other human beings, and their vision of the future for themselves and their children,” Halperin stated.

After Carlson asked, “Are you being serious?” Halperin replied, “One hundred percent serious.” He emphasized that the ramifications of such a crisis would require increased access to mental health professionals, citing potential workplace trauma and rising rates of alcoholism and broken marriages.

Halperin, who has covered every U.S. presidential election since 1988 and co-authored the book Game Change, chronicling the 2008 presidential campaign, elaborated on the depth of the crisis, saying, “For many Democrats, Trump’s presidency represents the worst possible outcome. The psychological toll will be sustained and unprecedented. I don’t think the country is ready for it.”

Orson Welles’ ability to convince a few radio listeners in 1938 that the denizens of the Red Planet had landed has absolutely nothing on today’s MSM to whip its hapless audiences into a frenzy over the Red State Menace, and I’m sure, that like Welles, they revel in it.