by Chris Black
From my observations, Leftists can be divided into three non-mutually-exclusive categories:
1. Selfish, neurotic, psychopathic social outcasts who want wealth and power but are prevented from acquiring them by their own dysgenic biological traits (“spiteful mutants”).
2. Utopian megalomaniacs who sincerely believe that “equality” is possible, that they can overcome nature and alchemically transfigure humanity via Gay Race Communist technocracy.
3. Indoctrinated normies who think “the TV and internet told me this is how to be a good person, I better go along with it so I don’t get in trouble.”
The first and second categories have the greatest degree of overlap. Influential and politically active Leftists are typically a hybrid of the two, but lean more toward the ‘spiteful mutant’ variant. Freaks like ANTIFA and transhumanist Globalists are the “purest” expressions of the first and second categories, respectively.
Those who would accept the hegemonic ideology of their society in any era, regardless of ideological substance, fall into the third category. They would be Communists in the USSR, National Socialists in Nazi Germany, Monarchists in the Middle Ages, and so on.
Generally speaking, non-Whites and immigrants can be grouped with the first category. While they may not be insane or dysgenic, they are “outcasts” or outsiders by default and are purely motivated by attaining more power and resources for themselves and their kin.
Moreover, many immigrants in the West are low IQ individuals of Third World origin who are often incapable of competing in a more advanced society against a higher IQ population.
This makes them natural allies of the Leftist horde, who promise to steal from the rich and give to the poor.