Highest call volume literally hit 42069.
Thanks for calling the top. Highest call volume literally hit 42069. Must be a huge crisis in this pivot.
byu/AdvancedLong inwallstreetbets
46% of S&P 500 components have an RSI that exceeds 70, the highest level since 1991 according to data compiled by Goldman Sachs
That's just a bit stretched. 🤏 pic.twitter.com/bwR3HEAbbZ
— Markets & Mayhem (@Mayhem4Markets) December 17, 2023
Compared to the last Fed pause:
2019: The Fed paused, cut rates .75% (3 cuts), ended QT, and restarted QE.
Total gain +35%.
Now, the Fed has paused. No rate cut yet, and still 2x QT.
Total gain +33% AND far more overbought (top pane).
Bulls, don't fear 3rd grade logic. pic.twitter.com/bRJAngRSH8
— Mac10 (@SuburbanDrone) December 17, 2023
Ultra low volume on continued rallying…this won't end well… pic.twitter.com/cVF7JBWPZ3
— Geeks of Finance (@GeekStrategy) December 18, 2023
h/t AdvancedLong