A reckoning is coming for California.

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California has always been in the forefront of issues concerning all things transgender. The 2019 Gender Recognition Act allows for change of gender by request on all government documentation, such as birth certificates and driver’s licenses. SB107 offers sanctuary to transgender youth fleeing states where transgender-related care, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex-hormones and sex reassignment surgery, are illegal for minors.

Under California law, shelters are to admit individuals on the basis of gender identity and not sex, and ditto for any other facilities, such as gyms or spas or restrooms, that are single-sex: single-sex means single-gender in California. Furthermore, no documentation of gender identity, such as a driver’s license, is necessary; only an assertion of gender is required.

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In California, employer-provided health plans must cover transgender-related care. Still another law allows prisoners to be housed according to gender identity, not sex. There are many other trans-related laws that could be mentioned that California has passed — more than any other state — making the state stand out in this area.

And some municipalities in California have even gone further. San Francisco offers a $1,200 per month guaranteed income to trans individuals for 18 months. The city also provides housing subsidies for them as well. Other cities such as Palm Spring and San Diego have similar initiatives underway.

All of this legislative and policy activity seems to suggest that the majority of Californians are in agreement with the direction their state government is taking on these issues. A new poll, however, seems to suggest that may not actually be the case. A November 2023 poll conducted by Spry Strategies of 1,000 likely California voters, with a margin of error of 3.1%, contains quite a few surprises.

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The sample was stratified to match overall demographic and party affiliation among California voters. So, for example, about 47% of California voters are Democrats, and the sample has 48% Democrats. About 52% of California voters are white, and that percentage was matched in the sample. Age, sex and other characteristics were also matched.


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