Kentucky school districts were forced to cancel classes weeks into the school year after outbreaks of COVID, the flu and strep sent both students and staff home sick — as health officials warn of a possible “tripledemic” this fall.
The district found that COVID, the flu and strep were the culprits — and canceled classes across all schools both Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Thursday and Friday would go on as remote learning days, and extracurricular activities were canceled for the entire week to allow for cleaning, Schuler said.
About an hour east, schools in Magoffin County also shut down this week due to “widespread illness.”
“We were seeing an uptick of absentees. They were saying COVID, but they were also putting strep throat in there, and there was a virus going around, a stomach virus,” Magoffin County Health Department Director Pete Shepherd told WKYT.
“These vaccines are game-changers,” Cioè-Peña added. “Don’t wait until it’s too late and you are already seriously sick with one of these respiratory viruses to wish that you or your loved one got vaccinated.