NATO is taking Nuclear Warheads out of Storage – this seems like a very bad development

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It appears the PTB are getting ready to start WW3 soon. WTAF!!

NATO Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles Opened: Operational Readiness of Nuclear Forces in Europe – Confirmation War News 24/7
The die is cast for NATO – Activation of nuclear weapons

NATO activates its nuclear “shield” fully confirming War News 24/7 for the permanent vigilance from now on of the nuclear member countries of the Atlantic Alliance.

The decision was made a long time ago as NATO fears either a strike on one of the supply bases of the Ukrainian ED or the use of regular nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

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We remind you that the Royal Netherlands Air Force assumed a nuclear role in NATO with F-35 fighters from June 1. The USAF will transfer additional F-35s for a nuclear strike on Great Britain, while Norway’s F-35s are also ready.


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